Attending School Board Meetings

As a concerned community member, you may wish to be part of the decision-making process for your local schools by attending school board meetings and supporting important proposals. If you do, there are important ways to ensure that your voice is heard.
You won’t have a lot of time. Make sure that your message is succinct and powerful.
Find out what the process is for speaking during the public comment period as well as how long you will have to speak. This can usually be found out by calling the main district office or looking on the school board’s website.
The most powerful public comments are those that are unique and personalized.
If you are speaking as part of a group, ensure that each person speaks to a different point so that the testimonies don’t sound repetitive. This also ensures that you can get multiple points across as a group even though each person only has a few minutes.
A strong closer is important. Don’t just trail off at the end. Time yourself so that you ensure you can get through your closing without being cut off.
Write down your remarks to ensure a polished presentation.
Practice your remarks out loud.
Don’t be afraid to show emotion.
It’s not typical for the school board to ask or answer questions during an Open Forum. Be prepared to give your remarks without comment from the school board members.
Be confident. This is your school district, and you have every right to be heard.