Increasing Voter Turnout

Talk Through Text
Voters will pay attention to the little buzz in their pockets or purse, therefore, making texting a powerful way to drive voters to the polls. Users of Outvote, a mobile app that helps you text personal contacts reminders to vote, had an 8 percentage point effect on getting their friends to cast ballots in the 2018 midterm elections.
Are you thinking of using texting to help increase voter turnout? Here are a few tips to keep in mind:
Build your text list by requesting mobile numbers at voter registration drives
Texting had the biggest impact on the turnout of voters ages 30 to 44
Only the more personal approaches substantially increase voter turnout
The Key To Knocking On Doors
Team up with local organizations, such as community groups and churches for a people-powered grassroots movement. Door-knocking has traditionally been one of the most popular campaign strategies to increase voter turnout and remains a leading method in reaching out to voters.
Scale Up With Social Media
Fact - There are over 302 million people using social media in the U.S. As social media continues to grow in popularity among politicians using these platforms to amplify their messages, apps such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok are ideal places to plant voter education messages to help drive turnout.
Organize a Voter Registration Drive
Help make an impact by registering voters. Consider using platforms, such as Rock The Vote, which will provide you with a toolkit to host virtual or in-person voter registration drives.
Consider The Messenger
When sending voter education messages, always consider the messenger. Deliver the message through a platform or person that people trust. For example, you can entrust the help of a local influencer that has a trusted rapport with the community; consider local leaders, a local celebrity, or a social media influencer that has a connection to the community.