Speaking to Your School Board

Step 1: Finding Your School Board’s Calendar
First you will need to visit your school district’s website and then go to the calendar and identify when there are upcoming meetings.
Step 2: Gathering information about your school board’s meetings
Reach out to your school board member, superintendent, or principal and find out what issues the school board will be discussing. Ask when the public will be able to weigh in on these issues and how the school board will share those details with the community. Ask where and how school board meeting minutes will be available.
Step 3: Registering to speak at a school board meeting
You will likely need to register to speak at the meeting. Sometimes this can be listed under “participation” or a similar option.
Many times school boards will have a deadline or a limit on how many speaking slots are available per meeting. Make sure you know when the sign-ups open so that you are ready to claim your spot.
Step 4: Preparing your remarks
You should be prepared to communicate clearly and directly and to share your story. Tell the board who you are and why you care.
Some school boards have a limit on how long your remarks can be. Make sure you practice so that you don’t get cut off.